In addition to FA, there is a program called CI that generates SPICE listings of active filters from a filter generated by FA. If in FA the command writesp is given, a file with the extension .ci is generated. So if the FA input file was called, the ci-file is called This file contains in order:
realization: <realization> ;<realization> can be:
transconductorThese specifications speak for themselves. transconductor is default. With the bandpass command, a capacitor-coupled-biquad bandpass filter with the specified filter as lowpass equivalent is generated. This might also be done by transforming the filter to a bandpass filter in FA, and generating the CI file afterwards. But then a transconductor or resistor-coupled filter is generated by CI, which in the case of bandpass filters usually is badly realizable, due to parasitic phase shift in the resistors. The CI bandpass specification works similar to the FA transform: bandpass() command.
opamp bandpass ( <ω0 >, <ωc > )
transconductor bandpass ( <ω0 >, <ωc > )
simple transconductor bandpass ( <ω0 >, <ωc > )