butterworth(3); ctot = 30e-12; umax = 1; noisefactor = 1; transform: scale; output: "equally distributed capacitances:" caps dr; set: optc; output: "optimally distributed capacitances:" caps dr;results in
c1 = 1.000000e-11 c2 = 1.000000e-11 c3 = 1.000000e-11 Output noise level: 4.334959e-05 V. Scaling is L-infinity. Maximum output level: 1.000000e+00 V. Dynamic range: 2.306827e+04 (87.26 dB). optimally distributed capacitances: c1 = 9.117466e-12 c2 = 9.957500e-12 c3 = 1.092503e-11 Capacitance is divided optimally. Output noise level: 4.323185e-05 V. Scaling is L-infinity. Maximum output level: 1.000000e+00 V. Dynamic range: 2.313110e+04 (87.28 dB).We see that at least in this case the improvement in dynamic range by optimal redistribution of capacitance is very small.