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The set command is used to set or reset flags. The syntax is as follows.

set: [<flag>]* ;

Table 3: Specifications for the setting or resetting flags in pairs that counteract each other. The default settings are in the leftmost column.
default or reset to set to meaning if set section
rps hertz Hertz in frequency plots 7.1
eqc optc optimal capacitor values 10.4.2
  evalc redivide capacitance 6.1.2
nosom som enable printing second order modes 14.2
sol num determine W and K by numerical integration 14.1
mfr sfr single frequency 10.4.1
scale_inf scale2 use L2 scaling 10.4.1

Table 3 lists the possibilities for <flag>. The default settings are in the leftmost column. The possible settings are grouped in pairs that counteract each other.

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